Whole School

Whole School Interventions
We offer consultation and a range of support services to schools, including:

  • Assessment and treatment of students presenting with a range of social, emotional, behavioural and psychological difficulties impacting on their functioning and learning.
  • Collaboration with Specialist leaders of Education (SLE) to deliver training and workshops to parents and teaching staff.
  • Screening and identification of any learning or neurodevelopment difficulties impacting on a pupil’s functioning and performance.
  • Referral on for specialist assessment and treatment, including to CAMHS and other specialist health and social services.

Grooming and Abuse
Our team are experienced in providing responsive and discreet services to schools or institutions that have been impacted by child abuse or grooming. We have experience of working with both recent cases and historical abuse. Each situation is different but we strive to work within the school culture to provide interventions that meet the needs of students, staff and the wider school community.