Adult Mental Health

Everybody has mental health and everyone goes through better and worse times. Many of us will experience a time in our life when our usual ability to cope is challenged to the extent that we need to reach out for help. This can be due to the intensity of the challenge we are facing or linked to the coping strategies that we learnt to apply to problems. We may struggle in particular when a tried and trusted approach used with previous adversity no longer seems to work.

At The Integrated Psychology Clinic our approach to mental health is guided by compassion: we know that no one chooses to suffer. We are also guided by our experience in providing support to hundreds of patients who have, with time and support, found ways to grow and thrive despite the challenges they have faced.

It can sometimes be important to give a name to the difficulties that we are experiencing. Our specialist clinical psychologists and family therapists are highly trained mental health professionals and fully understand the value in mental health diagnoses such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Equally, we understand that no two human beings are exactly the same. We work hard to understand the specific experiences you are having, and work with you to try out new ways of understanding or responding to any challenges you are facing.

Interventions we provide include:

    • Assessments and interventions informed by a clinical evidence base
    • Treatment for specific mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety, or trauma
    • Help living through specific life-challenges such as a bereavement, break-up, bullying at work, burnout and stress or significant life transitions (such as leaving home, becoming a parent or retirement).
    • CBT (including third-wave CBT such as ACT), systemic, psychodynamic and integrative therapies
    • A range of treatment plans which can be time limited or open ended and explorative, as appropriate